The Dedicated Members of Our Nonprofit Organization

Stephen Miller (Steve): Founder/President
Steve founded this organization in honor of his oldest daughter who was list to Glioblastoma in 2013. He has also lost an uncle and a couple of friends to various types of Brain Cancer. After working decades in the IT world, Streve found a higher calling in the desire to help others. He has seen the impact on families who are stuggling with the cost of medicines, treatments, and surgeries. Steve erstablished Play to Beat Brain Cancer to help relieve that financial stress endured by families and to support cutting edge Brain Cancer research at research centers such as the MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston.
Steve is happily married. Between he and his wife, they have had three incredible children and have eight wonderful grandchildren. His hobbies include vegetable gardening, antiquing and watching the KC Royals. He loves playing most sports such as softball, volleyball, golf and bowling. He also loves all kinds of board, arcade, and computer games.

Danielle Haus: Senior Vice-President
Danielle has worked in the IT field for over 20 years. She made the decision to assist Steve in raising awareness of how to recognize the early warning signs of Brain Cancer and to provide financial relieft to families. She had previously worked with Steve for seven years on many difficult and critial IT projects where she displayed her versatility, resourcefulness, and dedication.
Danielle is happily married with two amazing adult sons. Her hobbies include camping, hunting and fishing. She loves to work non-rpofit events to support her church. Danielle and her husband Mark love to travel and meet new people.

Johnnie Reed: Senior Vice-President
Johnnie has worked in the IT field for over 20 years. Most of those years were in management. He is also a part of two other businesses. He owns Brute Squad Entertainment LLC., a comic, toy and gaming shop and is an equal partner in Reckoning Productions LLC., a film production company. He is also currently working on completing his business degree at Mid-American Nazarene University.
In the past he worked for Extreme Entertainment and was also one of the co-hosts for the Night Watch radio show for over 5 years.
Hobbies – He is a drummer and for many years played in the Christian metal band, Manifest to Destroy. He loves hockey (he used to play and coach, but now just watches), reading/collecting books, gaming and watching moves.
Johnnie has lived in Kansas City his whole life and is married with three children.
When asked by Steve, to be a part of the Play to Beat Brain Cancer team. Johnnie quickly accepted. For him, it’s was an honor to be given the opportunity to honor Lisa’s memory, but also help those individuals and families struggling with brain cancer.

Derek Miller: Senior Vice-President
Derek has worked in the IT field for over 20 years. He decided to honor his step-sister Lisa and assist his dad in helping those that are fighting Brain Cancer by joining the Play to Beat Brain Cancer organization.
Derek has four very active sons. He has two adult sons who are serious online gamers and two younger boys who are heavily involved in various sports. Derek loves bowling and playing softball. He played softball for years with his dad. Derek is an accomplished baseball/softball coach and an avid KC Royals fan.
Play to Beat Brain Cancer Board of Directors

Dr. Roger Anderson D.C.,: APM clinic founder and Director. Chiropractic Physician and Acupuncturist. Dr. Anderson completed his undergraduate schools at Fort Hays State Universite in Hays Kansas and graduated from Cleveland Chiropractic College in Kansas City, Missouri in 1982. During his time at Cleveland Chiropractic College, he was fortunate enough to meet an accomplished Chinese medical physician who was trained in both Western methods and Eastern methods of medicine. Dr. Anderson studied under him virtually every weekend for several years. Learning both Eastern Medicine Theory in respects to acupuncture and herbal medicine. – theoty, diagnosis and treatment. This has expanded his treatment capabilities to more than the traditional musculoskeletal issues to be able to effectively treat autoimmune disorders and other internal disorders.
Dr. Anderson’s dream of having a multi-specialty/mutlidisciplinary clinic came true in November of 2004, to where chiropractic physicians, acupunturists, medical physicians, nutritionists, psychotherapists and physical therapists all under one roof coordinating care for the best possible outcomes to the patient. Dr. Anderson believes in traditional medical treatment in cases where the benefits outweigh the side effects and the cause of that condition is always addressed other than just treating symptoms.
Dr . Anderson has been in practice for 30 years, having treated over 20,000 patients and still has “The Passion”. One patient at a time, to do all that is neccessary within his power to facilitate healing, educate on prevention and appropriate lifestyle changes so the patient can express their true potential. He loves what he does and does what he loves – and that is being a facilitator of healing.
Dr. Anderson is happily married. He and his wife together have two sons and together have three wonderful grandsons. His hobbies include golf, weightlifting, and reading. Of course “work” to him is not a four letter word.

Rosalie Miller: Board Member
Rosalie retired after 25 years as an elementary teacher in the Shawnee Mission School District. She acquired her teaching degree from Avila University and her Masters from Mid-America Nazerene University. She and Steve had three children betwen them and have eight wonderful grandchildren. Rosalie lost her oldest daughter to Glioblastoma in 2013 after a three year battle. Along with Steve, she wanted to make a difference and help others during their battle with Brain Cancer. She also wanted to help fund the Brain CAncer research being conducted bt the MD Anderson Brain Cancer Center in Houston. This is the group that helped extend the life span of her daughter Lisa.
Rosalie’s hobbies include indorr and outdoor gardening and spending time with the grandchildren. She loves sports and is a KC Royals fan. Rosalie has been a skilled player in softball, volleyball, and especially ping pong. She also enjoys puzzles and board games.
Get in Touch. Get Involved.
Would you like to get involved in our organization? Would you like to volunteer? Reach out via telephone or email, or if you wish please make a donation.